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  • Main Highlights: Sam Altman Testifies in US Senate🏛️

Main Highlights: Sam Altman Testifies in US Senate🏛️

Plus: Rise of the Humanoids: Sanctuary AI and Tesla Unveil Their Workforce Robots 🤖

Good Morning AI Runners 🏃‍♂️

Here's what we've got for you today:

  • Main Highlights: Sam Altman Testifies in US Senate🏛️

  • Rise of the Humanoids: Sanctuary AI and Tesla Unveil Their Workforce Robots 🤖

OpenAI's CEO, Sam Altman, testified before Congress for four full hours! Now, we know not everyone has the time to sit through the entire session. So we found a highlights video that'll give you the juicy bits in just 27 minutes.

P.s. If you are more of a reader, here’s the link to the full written testimony.

Vancouver-based robotics firm, Sanctuary AI, just unveiled Phoenix, their new humanoid robot “designed for the workforce”. And not to be outdone, Tesla has joined the party with their own humanoid robot, Optimus, just a few hours after Sanctuary AI’s announcement.

Another company that’s working on humanoid robots that we’ve talked about on the newsletter before is Figure.

Pic of the day:

That's it from RunTheAI for today.